GIKS Bericht 2010-02-08

UGent reminders (uit de GIKS kalender)

klik hier voor de hele kalender

GIKS - Stichtingssymposium: ‘Religie en Staat in de Oudheid’
Wo. 10 februari 2010 14u

klilk hier voor programma en info (Toegang gratis, maar graag een seintje vooraf bij )

Wo. 17 februari, 15u
Blandijnberg 2, lok. 140
Antony Makrinos (University College London), Bringing Homer to Byzantium: Allegorical interpretation in Eustathios' Commentary on the Odyssey
VG Latijn & Grieks, sectie Grieks

wo. 17 februari, 20u
Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, Koningstraat 18, 9000 Gent
Antony Makrinos (University College London), Homer and Cinema
Griekenlandcentrum & Klassieke Kring

Jobs en beurzen

Full-time docentschap Ancient History 

Deadline for applications : Feb. 26th

"The Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands announces the vacancy of a permanent full-time position in Ancient History at the level of (Senior) Lecturer/Assistant Professor. We are looking for an inspiring teacher and excellent researcher in the field of Greek history. The Ancient History section has a strong research profile: current interests are the political, cultural and social history of the Greek world in the Hellenistic and Roman imperial periods (Prof. O.M. van Nijf), political and religious history, and historiography of Late Antiquity (Dr. J.W. Drijvers); social and economic history of the Roman Republic and early Empire (Dr. W. Jongman).

Job description
We are looking for a candidate who will complement our current interest in the field of Greek history. The candidate will contribute actively to the ancient history courses within the BA and MA programmes of History, Classics as well as in the interdisciplinary Research MA Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies.information:

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