


In order to reward good Master students, and to encourage them to continue their studies and research, the Ghent Institute for Classical Studies (GICS) awards an annual prize for the best UGent Master thesis in the field of Classical Studies.


Who can participate?

Each student who has submitted a master thesis at Ghent University on a subject within the field of Classical Studies in the last academic year, with at least a magna cum laude grade (16/20) for the thesis. 


Classical Studies fields include Linguistics & Literature in Latin and/or Greek, Classical (Mediterranean) and Provincial Roman Archaeology, Reception History, Ancient Philosophy, History of Religions: Classical Antiquity, Ancient History, Roman Law, Art History: Antiquity.


What are the assessment criteria?

  • The student has formulated a good research question.
  • The student has selected relevant sources and specialist literature.
  • The student has analyzed these sources in a critical and methodologically correct way.
  • The student was able to apply a personal and creative approach angle to his/her study subject.
  • The thesis attests to a profound insight into the subject.
  • The student has managed to report his/her findings in a structured way.
  • The student has used a correct language and an accessible writing style.
  • The student has ensured that the thesis reaches a wide audience.
  • The thesis shows clear potential for the student to grow as a scientific researcher.


How to submit?

On October 10 of the current academic year at the latest, the candidates have to submit the following documents to the GICS-secretary :


1. An electronic copy of the Master thesis;
2. A motivation of c. 1500 words, consisting of an abstract of the thesis and a short argument on why the thesis should be considered for the prize; 
3. The thesis reports;
4. A short recommendation by the promotor of the thesis.


Award ceremony

The result of the competion is announced on January 1st. The prize is awarded during the GICS-seminar in February.



The jury is selected by the GICS-committee and consists of at least five members with a doctoral degree. These members establish a ranking list of the submitted theses. Jury members are not allowed to rank theses which they themselves coordinated as either promotor or co-promotor. The same goes for second and third readers.



The winner receives a prize to the value of c. € 250, consisting of a framed reproduction thematically connected to the winning master thesis, together with a gift voucher of € 200. He/she will also have the opportunity to publish a short version of his/her thesis in Tetradio.


The full regulations (in dutch) can be also be downloaded here in pdf.



GICS-Prize winners (2015-2018)

GIKS laureaten


  • 2015 Alexis Daveloose: “Tolli fortunae discrimen in morte? Funeraire luxe en romanisatie in hellenistisch Clusium”
  • 2016 Tineke Melkebeek: "Aristoteles over de vrouw", promotoren: Danny Praet & Nadia Sels, derde lezer: Annelies Lannoy
  • 2017 Kirsten Ricquier: De receptie van de antieke romans bij Fielding en Richardson: De erfenis van een antiek genre in enkele 18e-eeuwse zedenromans. Promotor: Koen De Temmerman
  • 2018 Niels Schoubben How to find the origins of a dragon?’ – A cognitive linguistic approach towards the protohistory of the Homeric hexameter’.