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The objectives are to set out the ways in which looking at images of the ancient world in modern films is different from looking at its manifestations in other cultural forms. The talk will also aim to show how the Homeric world has played an essential role to the creation of highly-developed sets of cultural appropriations through films. The discussion will demonstrate how modern explorations of Homer are often highly elaborated and whether they can serve as a source of inspiration for the creation of counter-narratives.
How do academics evaluate the effort of artists to search to provide leisure and education to both suspected and unsuspected audiences? More specifically, can classicists acquire a role through films that will stimulate debate from the audiences?
Zaterdag 8 mei 2010, 10.30-17.45u, Grote Aula, Maria-Theresiacollege, Leuven
Globalisatie, de financiële crisis, klimaatverandering – onze wereld lijkt totaal verschillend van die van de Grieken en de Romeinen. Heeft de Oudheid ons nog iets te bieden als het gaat om hedendaagse maatschappelijke problemen? Bart De Wever, Mia Doornaert, Luc Devoldere, Ludo Abicht, Luc Van der Stockt, en Peter Van Nuffelen laten zich inspireren door de Oudheid om met nieuwe ogen te kijken naar vrije meningsuiting, religieuze tolerantie, de retoriek van Obama, democratie, en de Europese eenmaking.
Een must voor iedereen die zich door de Oudheid geboeid weet of eens met een andere blik naar vandaag wil kijken!
The Greek and Latin Summer School, organised by the Department of Classics of Bologna University, will offer courses focused both on language (Greek or Latin, at different levels) and on literature, with the aim of enabling pupils to read some of the fundamental texts of our cultural tradition. Further classes will touch on moments of Greek and Roman history and the history of art, supplemented by visits to museums and archaeological sites (in Bologna and in Rome).
The course will be held in Bologna from 28 June to 16 July 2010 (three weeks) for a total of 60 hours (50 hours of classes [Greek or Latin] + 10 hours of cultural activities).
The course is open to students and non-students alike: no specific qualification is required for course admission. Students must be aged 18 or over. Latin Language: on the basis of their previous knowledge of the language, the participants will be divided into classes of different levels (beginners and intermediate). Greek Language: class for beginners only. All tuition will be in English.
40 hours: Greek or Latin language + 10 hours: classical literature
Some afternoons will be devoted to cultural activities to supplement language knowledge. There will be activities to familiarise participants with Italy and Classical culture through visits to historical and archaeological sites, museums and collections. An optional weekend trip to Rome is also scheduled.
Special offer for students of Bologna University, ERASMUS students and ERASMUS Alumni
Thanks to a special agreement with the Faculty of Arts, Bologna University students, ERASMUS students (in Bologna) and former ERASMUS students (to Bologna) can now enrol at a discounted fee (course only: € 450; course + room € 700).
Deadline: first week of March
Then RUGroningen school of humanities is about to advertise a fair number of PhD fellowships. These are very well funded 4 year dissertation fellowships. They will include some time for coursework, but not much: they assume that students will have an MA type qualification rather than a BA. Funding is (exceptionally) generous, and will include a proper labour contract, with all that that entails in terms of pension rights etc. Most importantly, of course, is that I think we can provide a stimulating research environment for the study of the Roman economy: http://www.rug.nl/let/onderzoek/overonderzoek/ancienthistory/projects/reg