GIKS Bericht 2009-12-07

UGent reminders

(klik hier voor de volledige kalender van activiteiten i.v.m. Klassieke Studies aan de UGent of die door UGent mede georganiseerd worden.

wo. 9 december 2009, 20u
Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, Koningstraat 18, 9000 Gent
Johan Soenen, De representatie van de Grieks-Turkse oorlog uit de jaren '20 in de Turkse roman
UGent Griekenlandcentrum
voor meer info:

vr. 11 december, 14u
Roman Society Research Center
Opening and 2009 Autumn workshop

Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, Koningstraat 18, 9000 Gent
voor meer info zie



Call for papers: Integration and identity in the Roman Republic

Manchester 1-3 juli 2010

Welcomes papers on any aspect of integration and the formation of identity in the Roman Republic. We would particularly like to invite archaeologists and linguists, since it is clear that integration and identity cannot be studied by ancient historians alone. Some suggested topics are:

  • Colonial landscapes
  • Legal barriers for integration
  • Ideas about integration among Romans and Italians
  • Different modes of integration for various social classes
  • Regional variations in the methods and results of integration

The deadline for abstracts is 1 March 2010.

klik hier voor volledige 'call for papers'

Final call for articles New Voices

(from the editors)

We have had some requests for a later deadline for articles for  New Voices Issue 5 (Spring 2010) which we have agreed to and therefore have decided to send a general Final Call for articles.

If you are currently working on an article that is nearing completion and would like to submit for consideration by New Voices please note the Final Call deadline: Friday 8th January 2010.

New Voices in Classical Reception Studies is a refereed electronic journal. Most of the 'new voices' are early career researchers such as recent post-docs and advanced graduate students or people who have changed research direction and are starting to publish their work in areas relevant to classical reception.

Further information and details of how to submit are available on the New Voices website and the editor, Lorna Hardwick () will be pleased to answer any queries.

Carol Gillespie, Project Officer Classical Receptions Project

University of Cincinnati, Department of Classics

The University of Cincinnati Classics Department is pleased to announce the Margo Tytus Summer Residency Program.    Tytus Summer Residents, in the fields of philology, history and archaeology  will come to Cincinnati for a  minimum of one month and a maximum of three  during the summer.   Applicants must have the Ph.D. in hand at the time of application.   Apart from residence in Cincinnati during term, the only obligation of Tytus Summer Residents is to pursue their own research.     They will receive  free university housing.   They will also receive office space and enjoy the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries. 

The University of Cincinnati Burnam Classics Library ( is one of the world's premier collections in the field of Classical Studies.  Comprising 240,000 volumes and other research materials, the library covers all aspects of the Classics: the languages and literatures, history, civilization, art, and archaeology.  Of special value for scholars is both the richness of the collection and its accessibility -- almost any avenue of research in the classics can be pursued deeply and broadly under a single roof.  The unusually comprehensive core collection, which is maintained by three professional classicist librarians, is augmented by several special collections such as 15,000 nineteenth century German Programmschriften, extensive holdings in Palaeography,   Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.   At neighboring Hebrew Union College, the Klau  Library (, with holdings  in excess of 450,000 volumes and other research materials, is rich in Judaica  and Near Eastern Studies.

 Application Deadline:  February 15.  

 A description of the Tytus Summer Residency Program and an application form is available online at   Questions can be directed to .

« La poésie néo-latine à haute voix (XVIe – XVIIe siècles) »

11 décembre 2009
Journée d'étude du GEMCA
Université catholique de Louvain

voor meer info zie

« La modernité ou le triomphe de la couleur. La querelle des Anciens et des Modernes en peinture au XVIIe siècle »

17 décembre 2009
Université catholique de Louvain

voor meer info zie

Penn-Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values (VI): Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity

Op 25-27 juni 2010 zal aan de University of Pennsylvania het zesde Penn-Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values worden gehouden over "Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity". De deadline voor de 'call for papers' is verstreken, maar voor meer info en bijwonen van het colloquium klik hier.