GIKS Bericht 2009-12-15


Cataloguing for Life!
De eerste Eerste ‘flashmob cataloging party’ ever in Vlaanderen!

Aansluitend bij het vorige GIKS-bericht: Het rekeningnummer waarop gestort kan worden voor sponsoring van de 'Flasmob Cataloging Party' werd net doorgegeven:

390-0965800-26 (algemeen nummer UGent) met vermelding UGent for Life/Cataloging.

Meer informatie online op

Nieuw verschenen


Morgan De Dapper, Frank Vermeulen, Sarah Deprez, Devi Taelman (eds.)

Ol' Man River. Geo-Archaeological aspects of rivers and river plain (ARGU 5),

Gent, Academia Press (= ARGU 5)

Rivers and river plains are elements of the landscape where the presence of man throughout history is the most visible. It is, therefore, evident that the plains and deltas of rivers are excellent meeting grounds for a confrontation and for multidisciplinary collaboration between history and ecology. On 22-24 September 2006 an international colloquium was organised in Gent (Belgium), which stimulated looking at landscape evolution from the times of early human involvement in nature to much more recent historical developments. Its aim was also to further strengthen the mutual interests of both Geography and Archaeology. The colloquium attracted the active participation of researchers from some 30 countries, bringing more than 70 presentations and case studies. The geographical variety and methodological diversity of the papers and posters presented in Gent was a guarantee for a broad approach to the evolution of humanized river landscapes and for meaningful multi-disciplinarity and synergy. With the present publication of the proceedings of the Gent meeting the organizers are pleased to be able to contribute to the debate on the role of man in a river plain environment through time, within a wide array of geographic and cultural environments in Europe and beyond.

(klik hier voor de flyer)

Call for papers

STAGE Postgraduate Conference 2010 

The Postgraduate Classical Association of the Universities of St Andrews, Glasgow and Edinburgh, announces its annual Postgraduate Conference for 2010 to be held on the 13th of February in Edinburgh, and invites the submission of abstracts.

THE STAGE POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH NETWORK is a collaborative research network for Classics departments in St Andrews, Glasgow and Edinburgh fostering closer links between Classics postgraduates at the Scottish universities. There is a STAGE research training day each semester, and an annual postgraduate research colloquium rotating around the different universities.

The purpose of the STAGE conference is to allow postgraduates in Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology in the UK and Europe to interact and exchange ideas, get feedback on their work in a receptive and low-pressure environment, and develop future directions for research. We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers making developed arguments, as well as for posters summarising developing research. It is our hope that postgraduates at all stages of their degrees will attend. 

Abstracts for papers should be no longer than 200 words and should outline the paper?s argument. Proposals for posters should be no longer than 100 words and should describe what will be presented. In either case, applicants should also include details of their current degree, including institution, supervisor, and research topic. Papers and posters in any area of Classics, Ancient History or Archaeology are welcome.

The deadline for submissions is the 10th of January 2010. Please submit your abstract for a poster or a paper in the body of an email and send to

Jobs en beurzen

Onassis programma

De Onassis-stichting kondigt zijn 16de programma van onderzoekssubsidies en vormingsbeurzen aan voor het jaar 2010-2011.  Dit programma richt zich tot wetenschappelijke academieleden, professoren, wetenschappelijke onderzoekers, studenten van de derde graad, evenals aan kunstenaars, en leraren Griekse Taal.

meer info op (kies 'Public Benefit Foundation').

Nottingham student- & scholarships

The Department of Classics, University of Nottingham is offering five studentships and scholarships for graduate students who will commence their studies in 2010/11.  There are two studentships available for students commencing a PhD in 2010/11: the School of Humanities PhD studentship and the Sir Francis Hill studentships. Both studentships cover fees and maintenance.  The deadline for applying is March 1st 2010. Further details and application forms can be found at: (> 'Funding opportunities').

In order to be eligible to apply for funding, applicants must have already been offered a place by the time they apply. Given that the earliest deadline for funding is March 1st 2010, it would be advisable that prospective students submit an application for a place by the end of January - beginning of February 2010. Further details about how to apply and links to the online application system can be found at:

For any further queries, please contact


3.5 year fixed-term Research Associate post for Archaeology at the University of Exeter, advertised within the Tracing Networks research programme. The vacancies are available to view online at

More information about the Tracing Networks programme is available at